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What you should know about stinger injuries

Sometimes a serious injury does not seem like a severe injury when it happens. This is especially true when you are talking about injuries to your child. He or she may swear everything is okay. It can be tough to know when an injury requires more medical care and a trip to a Florida hospital. 

One such injury is a stinger injury. These happen most often in football because they involve impact to the head and neck, according to U.S. News and World Report. This type of injury is to the nerves in this area of the body. If stinger injuries happen often, they can result in a catastrophic injury that impacts your child for the rest of his or her life. 

The damage 

A stinger injury occurs when the impact to the neck or head pinches or stretches a nerve. As with head injuries, any damage to a nerve is something to take seriously. You should get your child to a doctor for a follow up even if he or she had a team doctor or emergency medical technician look over the injury when it happened. 


The biggest issue with stinger injuries and why people do not take them as seriously as they should is that they typically cause symptoms very briefly that go away on their own. Initial symptoms may include pain, stinging, numbness or tingling in the arm. They may also include trouble moving the arm. However, this usually clears up quickly, making your child think he or she is okay. 

As a parent, you have to be vigilant about stinger injuries. Even medical personnel may not take them as seriously as they should. The chances of this type of injury resulting in something much more severe increase every time your child has head or neck impact. If the doctor does not take it seriously, your child could end up with lifelong nerve issues and problems with mobility.